1. +16467962827
  2. 23 Years
  3. 5' 0"
  4. 134 Lbs
  5. 10 IN
  6. Hair Reddish
  7. Eyes Brown
  8. Skin Cinnamon
  9. Waxing Fully shaved
  10. Body Regular
  11. Breast Big
  12. Butt Perfect
  13. BioType Normal

Working Hours


Hourly Rate

USD $300

About Me

You only meet a woman like this once in a blue moon...Perhaps she has the time to invite you over to her place? You didn't think it could get any better but with stunning lingerie she's e... Continuar leyendo
You only meet a woman like this once in a blue moon...Perhaps she has the time to invite you over to her place? You didn't think it could get any better but with stunning lingerie she's even more incredible! Not exactly a woman but definitely not a man. Dont think too hard just go with it.You can ba


I'm located in Jersey City New Jersey United States
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