queen sade

  1. +15139687028
  2. 22 Years
  3. 5' 3"
  4. 139 Lbs
  5. 9 IN
  6. Hair Black
  7. Eyes Brown
  8. Skin Morena
  9. Waxing Fully shaved
  10. Body Thin
  11. Breast Normal
  12. Butt Perfect
  13. BioType Normal

Working Hours


About Me

Lucky you bae, you’ve found me. Let me introduce myself. I go by (TS Sade ) You will always feel cheerful having me around, there are many beautiful women worldwide. But when you seek someone with... Continuar leyendo
Lucky you bae, you’ve found me. Let me introduce myself. I go by (TS Sade ) You will always feel cheerful having me around, there are many beautiful women worldwide. But when you seek someone with intelligence, beauty and passion. The search becomes a little more challenging. You deserve a women who


I'm located in Cincinnati Ohio United States
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